"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."
1 JOHN 4:7-8
Founded in 1867, we are a small but steadily growing group of people from all different backgrounds. Despite differences in hobbies, lifestyles, & even politics, we have in common our love for Jesus, each other, and everyone who walks through our doors. We are diverse in age—our oldest member was baptized here in the 1920's and is 92 years old, and youngest attendee is 2 years old! We serve our community by opening our doors. We also spread God's love outside of our church, in our daily life & in visits to the sick & imprisoned.
Because we are loved by Jesus, the members of St. John’s Lutheran Church declare explicitly, publicly and joyfully that all people are made in the image and likeness of God, and that God has made us siblings in Christ. Therefore, we join a long and ongoing movement of faith communities to state we are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, welcoming Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Genderqueer people in the name of Jesus. To all who have known the pain of exclusion or discrimination in the church, we welcome you here.”
We are resilient. We stick together.

What We Believe
Lutherans are a diverse group of people, convinced that the Holy Spirit is leading us toward unity, as members of the Body of Christ. We believe that God is perfect, righteous, and loving, and that His Grace is sufficient for us. While we look forward to eternal life & union with God in Heaven, Lutherans are concerned with realized eschatology: the Kingdom of God on Earth, right now.
Lutherans believe in the Triune God, and that we are part of God’s unfolding plan. Members are connected to the faith of the church through the ages and around the world. When we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere and of every time. When we study the Bible and pray, we are drawn more deeply into God’s own saving story. When we serve others and address social issues that affect the common good—not just other Christians—we live out our Christian faith.
St. John's Lutheran Church is an official Reconciliation in Christ Congregation—a public safe space for our LGBTQx siblings to gather, exist, love, and learn about God's perfect love for all of us.

Pastor Foster was called to be a minister when she was a 4-year-old girl in Florida, and has led a fascinating life of personal redemption & service to God's children ever since. St. John's was going to close in 2015 when the Bishop called in Pastor Foster as a last resort to come revive the church. Since she was called, average Sunday attendance has tripled. She formerly pastored Fordham Evangelical Lutheran Church in the South Bronx and St. Michael's in Amagansett & Incarnation in Bridgehampton. She has made it a goal to keep Saint John's an open community space for people to come worship, create, & gather together. She loves her wife, poet and professor Pamela Kallimanis. St. John's keeps her pretty busy, but she always loves to meet new people & talk to them.
Our Church Council
Committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive spiritual environment, our Church Council members bring a diverse range of talents, perspectives, and unwavering devotion to their service.
Jullet Achan
Brad Anderson
Jan Lorenzen
Tess Demir
Lynn Uzzo
Member at Large
Genevieve Levesque-Mumford
Member at Large
Our Building &
Pipe Organ
Built in 1890 by famed Brooklyn architect Theobold Engelhart, our church building has served the Greenpoint community for 130 years on 155 Milton St.
Our pipe organ is a national fascination! Built by George Jardine & Sons in 1893, it is very popular among organ enthusiasts.